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Cylance antivirus logo

Unlike many vendors that discount the first year of usage only to surprise consumers with auto-renewals at much higher rates, Cylance discounts subsequent years of use to encourage and reward long-term security hygiene.Ĭylance Smart Antivirus is available for Windows and macOS systems and can be downloaded now from the company's website. Pricing is fair and transparent and packages are available for single machines or entire households. An easy-to-use web dashboard lets users set alerts if an attack has been blocked, monitor the status of protected devices, and view lists of malicious files blocked on each device. The technical expert in any family has full awareness and control of the security status of all devices regardless of location. Users can get up and running in minutes, without updates or reboots. How By leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence to predict malicious code pre-execution without relying on a signature, heuristic ruleset, cloud connection, or any of the methods used by traditional antivirus products. It's easy to install and manage, and automatically updates in the background for a set-it-and-forget-it security experience. CylancePROTECT immediately prevented the execution of WannaCry on all of our customer’s endpoints. "The consumer antivirus market is long overdue for a groundbreaking solution built on robust technology that allows them to control their security environment."įeatures include predictive threat prevention that can proactively stop malicious threats, including complex malware variants. Most antiviruses cross-reference files on your device with a massive database of known malware signatures (a process known as signature-based scanning), but Cylance tries to. BlackBerry Cylance provides full spectrum predictive threat prevention and visibility across the enterprise to combat the most notorious and advanced cybersecurity attacks. Cylance Smart Antivirus is a cheap, minimal antivirus for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS that exclusively uses artificial intelligence (AI) to detect malware threats.

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"Consumers deserve security software that is fast, easy to use, and effective," says Christopher Bray, senior vice president of Cylance Consumer. BlackBerry Cylance develops artificial intelligence to deliver prevention-first, predictive security solutions that change how organizations manage their endpoints.

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Unfortunately for the rest of the endpoint security industry, Cylance hasnt given. All logos are available for you to download in a variety of file formats. Cynet protects your endpoints as well as your entire environment to give you greater visibility. That machine learning algorithm though, is all you need, according to Cylance's senior. Cylance Smart Antivirus provides predictive security to spot and block threats before they have a chance to run without affecting device performance or disrupting the user. incumbents such as Symantec publicly proclaim, antivirus is dead. Cylance: Smart Antivirus 2.0 Date: Jun/2020, Testreport: 202408 PNG. Ditching signatures, Cylance Smart Antivirus is now available for consumers and it only offers AI protection.

Cylance antivirus logo